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Undergraduate Programme of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages 

Ⅰ. 专业介绍 Introduction 西南交通大学汉语国际教育专业的办学历史可追溯至 1994 年外语系对外汉语教学中 心成立时期。 2007 年外国语hgα030皇冠成立国际汉语系,2008 年开始招收四年制本科生,是四川 省最早设立汉语国际教育本科专业的重点理工科大学之一。 2013 年,我:河锕式逃 业进入全国排名前十。在此基础上,依托我校中国语言文学和外国语言文学两个一级学科, 我校于 2014 年获得汉语国际教育硕士学位授权点,并于 2015 年开始招收硕士研究生。历经 多年的建设与发展,该专业现已具备本科和专业硕士两种学位培养层次。2021 年,汉语国 际教育本科专业入选第三批四川省省级一流本科专业建设点名单。 本专业立足于培养汉语国际教育复合型人才。2018 年以来,本专业平均每年有 50%左 右的毕业生进入世界名校及国内双一流大学攻读研究生,其他毕业生在教育培训、外贸企业、 行政机构、文创产业等多个领域就业。 

The Programme of TCSOL (Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) started to enroll students in 2008 and is among the first ones to do so in the key universities of science and engineering in Sichuan Province. In 2014, the School of Foreign Languages, Southwest Jiaotong University, was authorized to set up the master program of TCSOL. Since 2015, in collaboration with the School of Humanities, School of Foreign Languages has enrolled students majoring in TCSOL at two levels: students for bachelor degree and master degree. In 2021, TCSOL program was selected into the third batch of the First-class Undergraduate Programmes of Sichuan Province. This programme ranks in the top 10% of all TCSOL programmes in China in 2013. The programme aims to cultivate both academic TCSOL talents and inter-disciplinary talents. Since 2018, more than 50% graduates of the programme have continued to pursue the master degree in top universities in China, UK or USA. Other graduates work in many fields such as education or foreign trade. 

 专业代码:050103 Programme Code: 050103 专业名称:汉语国际教育 Programme Name: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) 

Ⅱ. 培养目标 Objectives 本专业以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,培养具有坚定正确的政治方向, 扎实的汉语本体知识和中国语言文字功底,较强英语语言能力,较高的人文素养;具备中国 文学知识、熟悉中西文化、拥有国际中文教学能力、中国语言和中国文化国际传播能力的复 合型、应用型、国际化人才。本专业学生将系统掌握中国语言文学、语言教育理论、汉语作 为外语的教学法、中西方文化和跨文化传播的专业知识;系统训练应用母语进行书面和口头 的表达能力、文献典籍阅读能力、国际中文教学能力和跨文化沟通能力;在国际视野中解决 复杂问题能力、批判性思维能力、团队合作能力和较强的国际中文教学能力,且能够熟练应 用英语和计算机。 本专业所培养的人才首先能够在国内外各类教育机构、文化机构从事国际中文教学及 中国文化推广工作;在此基础上,因其具备良好的外语能力和较好的跨文化交流能力,他们 还能够在教育、外事、商贸、文艺、行政等领域从事培训、研究、翻译、管理等工作。 

In light of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the programme cultivates students with a firm and correct political orientation, a solid knowledge of Chinese language and writing, a good command of English, and a high level of humanistic literacy, and develops them into multidisciplinary talents with knowledge of Chinese literature, literacy in Chinese and Western cultures, international Chinese teaching skills, intercultural communication skills, and the ability to communicate Chinese language and culture internationally. This programme is designed to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of Chinese literature, literacy in Chinese and Western cultures, international Chinese teaching skills, intercultural communication skills, and the ability to communicate Chinese language and culture internationally. Students in this programme will have a systematic knowledge of Chinese language and literature, language education theory, teaching methods of Chinese as a foreign language, Chinese and Western culture, and intercultural communication. The programme is designed to equip students with the ability to teach Chinese as a foreign language and to be proficient in the use of English and computers. The graduates of this programme will be able to work in international Chinese language teaching and Chinese culture promotion in various educational and cultural institutions at home and abroad, as well as acting as trainer, researcher, translator and manager in the fields of education, foreign affairs, commerce and trade, literature and the arts, and administration.

III. 专业毕业要求 Graduation Requirements 毕业的基本要求为:修完规定的全部学分,用中文撰写一篇不少于 15000 字的学术论 文。学分课程涉及下列领域的基本知识:汉语本体知识、中国文学经典与现当代文学、西方 经典文学、第二语言习得、教育理论、国际中文教学、中国文化和西方文化等;同时要求学 生具备一定的跨学科知识,具有良好的语言能力、文化传播能力、学习能力、思辨能力和社 交能力,能够进入国内外高校继续深造,或胜任相关领域的工作。专业毕业的具体要求为: 

The graduates of this programme shall obtain all required credits and write a BA thesis with more than 15,000 Chinese characters. They shall master the knowledge about the Chinese language, literature, intercultural communication, Chinese teaching pedagogy and other interdisciplinary knowledge. They shall have language, cultural communication, learning, critical thinking, and social communication abilities, and be qualified to pursue a master degree or to perform at the related job posts. The specific requirements are as follows. 

 1. 素质要求 通过“马克思主义基本原理”“毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论”“习 近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论”“中国近现代史纲要”“思想道德修养与法律基 础”“形势与政策”“军事理论”“体育课”等课程,培养学生良好的道德品质和职业素养, 热爱中华民族优秀传统文化,具有良好的人文素养和科学素养、较高的审美品位以及健康的 心理和体质;掌握中国语言文学的基本知识和基础理论,了解国家关于语言文学、文学艺术 以及文化工作的方针、政策和法规;能够适应社会发展并具备主动获取和更新专业知识的基 本素质。 

 1.1 道德品质 

 1.1.1 基本道德品质 热爱祖国和人民,具有正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。 

 1.1.2 身心健康 拥有健康的体魄和健全的心态。 

 1.1.3 责任意识 主动关心国家和社会发展状况,积极参与公益事业,自觉履行公民义务和责任。积极 充当跨文化交际的桥梁,积极向世界传播中国,讲好中国故事。 

 1.2 职业素养 

 1.2.1 积极进取和主动精神 善于学习新技能与新知识,积极进。鞫械9ぷ,勇于承担责任。 

 1.2.2 创造性思维 具有综合和通用能力,能运用创新性思维提出问题的解决方案。 

 1.2.3 时间和资源管理 科学安排个人的时间,根据主次安排任务,运用卓有成效的方法管理个人掌握的资源。 

 Through the courses of “Basic Principles of Marxism”, “Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics”, “Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era”, “Outline of Modern Chinese History” “Fundamentals of Thought, Morality and Law”, “Situation and Policy”, “Military Theory”, and “Outline of Modern Chinese History”, the programme aims to help students with the development of their moral and professional qualities, love for the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, humanistic and scientific qualities, aesthetic tastes, and a healthy psychological and physical constitution. They shall have a good understanding of the national guidelines, policies and regulations on language and literature, literature and art, and cultural work, and shall be able to adapt to social development and have the basic quality of acquiring and updating professional knowledge on their own initiative. 

1.Qualities The programme aims to cultivate students’ morality and professional accomplishments through such courses as The Basic Principles of Marxism, Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Conspectus of Chinese Modern History, The Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis, Situation and Policy, Military Theories and Physical Education. 1.1 Moral Quality 1.1.1 Basic Moral Quality Students shall be patriotic and possess a correct viewpoint on the world, life, and values. 1.1.2 Physical and Psychological Health Students shall be physically and psychologically healthy. 1.1.3 Sense of Responsibility Students shall take an active interest in the state of national and social development, actively participate in public welfare, and conscientiously fulfil their civic duties and responsibilities. They shall act as a bridge for cross-cultural communication, actively disseminate Chinese culture to the world, and tell the Chinese story. 1.2 Professional Accomplishments 1.2.1 Positive and Enterprising Attitude Students shall be good at learning new skills and knowledge, positive and enterprising, and willing to accomplish tasks and fulfill their responsibilities. 1.2.2 Creative Thinking Students shall be equipped with comprehensive and universal capabilities, and be able to find the solution to the problem by using creative thinking. 1.2.3 Time and Resource Management Students shall be able to manage personal time appropriately, prioritize tasks, and manage the existing resources effectively.

2. 知识要求 通过现代汉语系列,古代汉语系列,中国文学系列,海外汉学,西方文学系列,语言学 系列,国际中文教学系列,教育理论,中国文化概论,西方文化概论,跨文化传播等课程的 学习,具备扎实的汉语语言功底,具备专业所需要的宽广知识面。通过“综合英语”、 “英 语交际口语” 等课程培养学生的英语听说读写能力。 

 2.1 汉语语言知识 掌握汉语语音、词汇、语法、语言学等方面的基础知识;能够规范使用汉字,掌握标准 普通话,能够准确流利地使用汉语,具备较高的读写能力。 

 2.2 中国文学和西方文学知识 掌握中国传统文学经典、中国现当代文学、西方文学经典中的主要文学史知识、主要 作家及其作品的知识以及文学理论的基础知识。 

 2.3 教育学和第二语言习得知识 掌握第二语言习得和国际中文教学理论的基础知识。 

 2.4 中国文化和西方文化知识 掌握中国文化和西方主要国家的文化概况。 2.5 跨文化交际与传播知识 掌握跨文化交际中的基本理论和基础知识,掌握跨文化传播基本技巧。 

 2. Knowledge The programme aims to equip students with a wide range of knowledge required through such courses as Modern Chinese, Classical Chinese, Selected Reading of Modern Chinese Literature, Selected Reading of Classical Chinese Literature, Selected Readings of Classical Western Literature, Overview of Chinese Culture, Overview of the Western Culture, Theories of Education, Theories of Second Language Acquisition, and English Communicative skills. 2.1 Knowledge about Chinese Language Students shall master the basic knowledge about Chinese phonetics, Chinese vocabulary, Chinese grammar and Chinese linguistics. 2.2 Knowledge about Chinese Literature and Western Literature Students shall acquire the basic knowledge about the history of literature, major writers and their works of China and English-speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, and literary theories. 2.3 Knowledge about Second Language Acquisition and TCSOL Theories Students shall be well versed in theories and practice of Second Language Acquisition, Education Theories, and TCSOL Theories. 2.4 Knowledge about Chinese Culture and Western Culture Students shall acquire the knowledge about Chinese history, geography, art and other aspects of culture, be equipped with both Chinese and western cultural accomplishments, and be able to properly introduce China to foreigners in English and communicate with foreigners based on the understanding of western culture. 2.5 Intercultural Communication Knowledge Students shall acquire necessary knowledge about intercultural communication, and master basic intercultural communication skills. 

 3. 能力要求 通过“现代汉语”“古代汉语”“中国传统文学经典作品选读”“西方文学经典选 读”“中国文化概论”“西方文化概论”“第二语言习得”“国际中文教学理论”“跨文 化传播”等课程,培养学生扎实的语言运用能力,语言教学能力,文化理解和跨文化传播能 力,锻炼学生的思辨能力,形成跨文化交际能力和跨文化传播能力。具有感悟、辨析和探究 语言文学现象的能力,能够综合运用所学知识鉴赏、评价文学作品和相关文化现象。在母语 的阅读理解、口语表达、文字表达方面体现出明显的优势。通过实习实践教学和第二课堂活 动,锻炼学生的社交能力。 

 3.1 语言运用能力 充分掌握汉语的语法知识,包括汉语的语音、词法、句法等。能够正确运用普通语言学 的基础知识。英语听说读写的能力较高, 能够使用英文正确流利地解释汉语的语法现象。 

 3.2 跨文化教育教学能力 能够准确清晰地讲解汉语语法知识,能够运用偏误分析和语言对比的方法进行教学, 能够用英语或其他第二语言进行讲解。能够掌握对外汉语教学的课堂设计,能够根据汉语习 得者的文化背景、语言背景的具体情况制定出合理可行的课程计划、教学任务和互动活动。 

 3.3 中国文化传播能力 熟悉当代中国社会,能够介绍当代中国社会的各个方面,且具有中国文化传播的正确 认识、意识和方法,能够组织策划中国文化活动,具备一定的中华才艺,能够正确讲述中国 文化知识或者展示中华才艺。 

 3.4 思辨能力 本专业学生应具备获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力和解决问题的能力。 

 3.4.1 获取知识的能力 具备利用现代化技术手段进行资料查找、收集和整理的能力。 

 3.4.2 独立思考的能力 能对已经掌握的资料进行评判、分类和解读,形成研究的问题。根据拟研究的问题,制 定研究方案。初步掌握常用的统计手段和其他研究方法。 

 3.4.3 解决问题的能力 能对研究结果进行分析,并结合以前的相关研究展开讨论,解释导致问题的原因,并 提出具体的、可操作的解决方法和建议。 

 3.5 跨文化能力 

 3.5.1 国际视野和中国眼光 了解西方的文化与社会和西方的价值观;了解中国的传统文化、中国人的世界观和价 值观及其背后的哲理。 

 3.5.2 跨文化传播能力 了解人类普遍的价值观和交际规则,了解英语国家的社会文化;了解对中西文化差异 性;具备对文化差异的宽容度;具备处理文化差异的灵活性;具有跨文化传播能力。

 3.6 社交能力 

 3.6.1 人际能力 通过各类课程、实习活动,培养学生的人际交往能力。 

 3.6.2 适应能力 学生应学会转变角色,具备适应环境的能力。在校期间,要适应老师和同学;走出校 门,要适应来自不同背景和不同文化的人群和工作环境。 

 3.6.3 合作能力 具备了解各类人群特点的能力,能聆听他人和与人合作,能制定总体目标和具体目标, 在学习过程中学会管理和组织。 

3. Competence Through courses of "Modern Chinese", "Ancient Chinese", "Selected Classics of Traditional Chinese Literature", "Selected Classics of Western Literature "Introduction to Chinese Culture" "Introduction to Western Culture" "Second Language Acquisition" "International Chinese Teaching Theory ""Intercultural Communication" and others, students shall have solid language skills, language teaching skills, cultural understanding and intercultural communication skills, be able to exercise their critical thinking skills, and develop intercultural communication skills and intercultural communication skills. They will have the ability to perceive, discern and investigate language and literary phenomena, and be able to comprehensively apply what they have learned to the appreciation and evaluation of literary works and related cultural phenomena. They shall demonstrate obvious advantages in reading comprehension, oral expression and written expression in their mother tongue. Students shall exercise their social skills through practical internship teaching and second classroom activities. 3.1 Language Proficiency In terms of Chinese proficiency, students are required to analyze Chinese language with the knowledge of Chinese Phenology, Morphology, Syntax, etc. They shall be able to have a good command of English in speaking, listening, reading and writing. 3.2 Teaching in TCSOL Students shall be able to use English to explain Chinese language grammar fluently and correctly. They shall command teaching methods and have enough practice of pedagogy in Chinese teaching for different levels of students with international cultural background. 3.3 Promoting Chinese Culture Students shall be familiar with contemporary Chinese society and be able to present various aspects of contemporary Chinese society. With a profound understanding of Chinese culture, the students shall be able to deliver and present topics about Chinese culture well both in Chinese and in English They shall be able to plan and organize Chinese cultural activities to facilitate their language teaching. 3. 4 Critical Thinking Students shall be able to acquire knowledge, think independently, and solve problems. 3.4.1 Acquire Knowledge Students shall be able to search, collect and organize information with the help of modern technology. 3.4.2 Think Independently Students are able to judge, classify and interpret the information collected, and formulate research questions. They are able to work out a research plan based on the questions. They are able to apply the commonly used statistics tools and other research methods. 3.4.3 Ability to Solve Problems Students are able to analyze the research results, compare the current research with previous ones, explain the causes of the problem, and propose specific and practical solutions and recommendations. 3.5 Intercultural Communication 3.5.1 International Vision and Chinese Vision Students are required to learn the culture, society and values of the west and the traditional Chinese cultures, Chinese outlook on the world and the values, and the underlying philosophy. 3.5.2 Intercultural Communication Students are required to understand the universal values and communication rules of human beings, understand the rules of native English speakers, increase the understanding of and become more tolerant towards cultural differences between China and other nations, improve the flexibility of handling cultural differences, and finally develop intercultural communication ability. 

 IV. 学制与学位 Duration and Degree 学制:4 年制 Duration: Four Years 学位:文学学士 Degree: Bachelor of Arts 

 V. 主干学科与专业核心课程 Academic Discipline and Professional Core Course 

 主干学科:汉语国际教育 Academic Discipline: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages 专业核心课程:中国文化概论,西方文化概论,汉语教学语法与课堂教学,中国传统语 言学,中国传统语言学,第二语言习得概论,教育理论,当代中国概况。 Professional Core Course: Introduction to Chinese Culture, Introduction to Western Culture, Chinese Teaching Grammar and Classroom Teaching, Chinese traditional linguistics, Introduction to Second Language Acquisition, Education Theory, and Understanding Contemporary China.
